
Thoughts on lots of things, especially education, psychology, culture, religion, and personal growth.

Friday, September 2, 2011

You kinda had to be there

Have you ever had a dream that was so deep, so strange, or so complex, it was really hard to explain?  Maybe you saw a big jumble of colors that had a kind of shape or movement to them.  Or maybe you were in a place that felt really familiar, but there were so many things around you it would just take forever to describe them all.  Or maybe something "worked" in the dream that when you try to replay it in real life, it makes no sense.
Dreams are our mind's interface with what is going on with us at the energy level, so it's no surprise that they sometimes go beyond our rational mind's ability to make sense of them.   We feel dreams, sometimes, more than watch them.

It's very tempting to say, "wow, I have no idea how to begin to explain that dream!  You just kinda had to be there! So I won't write it down."  But my encouragement to you is to try anyway!  As you start to write, you will discover that the words you use to explain the dream provide major clues to its interpretation.

As an example: Recently I dreamed that I was talking with an old friend.  Nothing too strange or hard to define about that.  But the setting of the dream was very hard to explain.  When I first started recording this dream, I got to the part where I was describing the setting, and I hesitated.  I could "feel" how the dream setting was, but putting words to it was hard.  I plowed ahead anyway.  There were lots of brown shelves. It was kind of blurry. And my friend was standing, or maybe sitting (?) on one of the shelves.  Now that I think about it, he was pretty short, though in the dream he felt normal.  Oh, and I couldn't see his legs...
The words don't do full justice to the feeling of the dream, but they provided me with some major clues.  Did you spot some?

  • Something in my life has been "put on a shelf."  
  • I'm accepting this aspect of my life as "normal height," even though it's really not as developed as it should be.
  • I'm starting to reconnect with this aspect of my life.
  • The legs-not-showing part means I haven't really "put feet to my thoughts" yet.
All these insights proved to be a vital part of the interpretation.  
All because I tried to explain the unexplainable.

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